
Sterling McClellan Post 142


Attention Legionnaires!: The deadline for eleigibility for the Early Renewal Drawing is fast approaching! Don't Miss Out on Your Chance to Win One of These Keepsake Medals! You Must Renew by

September 11, 2024, to be eligible!!!


Attention Post 142 Legionnaires!

Legionnaires of Post 142, you will be eligible for a truly valuable keepsake "Reward", but ONLY if you renew your membership for 2025 by:

Wednesday, September 11, 2024!

What is this "Early-Bird" Reward for 2025? That depends upon the branch of service in which you served?

Here is how, not one, but FIVE, Legionnaires who renew by the September 11, 2024, Early Renewal Deadline will earn a valuable Earl-Bird Keepsake prize!

All legionnaires who have renewed their 2025 memberships by the September 11, 2024 deadline will have his or her name placed into one of five "selection" pools based upon the Branch of Service" in which the Legionnaire served this wonderful Nation! For example, all early-renewed Legionnaires who served in the US Army will be in the Army pool of eligible legionnaires, those who served in the US Marine Corps will be entered into the USMC pool, and so on. The name of one lucky legionnaire in each pool will be drawn, and he or she will receive the prize specifically taylored to his or her Military Branch of Service! Here is what each lucky "Branch of Service" winner will receive!

These Service Medals have been crafted by the skilled artists of the US Mint as individualized tributes to each of our"Armed Forces" protecting the American Nation and its unique way of life! Each medal is handsomly cast as a one ounce "Silver Medal". These medals may be long-enjoyed by the owner, but is suitable as a "family keepsake" that could be passed down from generation to generation!

Won't you demonstrate your ongoing support of your American Legion, your Home Post 142, and your patriotism for our beloved, United States of America? Just maybe you will be rewarded with one of these beautiful silver medals!

Please renew by the

September 11, 2024, Early-Renewal Deadline

and become eligible for one of these Keepsake Rewards!


How to Renew Your Membership for 2025!

1) The fastest way to renew your membership is at Post 142 at your next visit. You may pay the $60, 2025 Annual Dues, by credit card. cash, or check (Made payable to American Legion Post 142) to the bartender on duty in the Lounge.

2) You may mail a check (Please, never send cash through the mail!) for $60 (Made payable to American Legion Post 142) to:

The Sterling McClellan American Legion Post 142

171 S.W. 2nd Street

Pompano Beach, FL 33060

ATTN: Post Adjutant

3) Online, (Credit/Debit card purchase only!) at either the National American Legion Website, click on the red "Renew" button, and follow the subsequent instructions to renew; or

4) At the MyLegion.org website (You must create a membership account first utilizing your name and Legion Membership Number) and then, click on LOGIN (Near the top right of the page), then click on the MEMEBERSHIP button (far left top of the page), and then follow the subsequent directions. Payment of dues will require a valid credit.debit card.

5) When your receive a "Membership Reminder" in the US Mail from either the American Legion National Headquarter or from Post 142, you may mail a check (Please, never send cash through the mail!) for $60 (Made payable to American Legion Post 142) in the enclosed self-return envelope.

Whichever method you prefer to utilize, please consider renewing your membership right away

to ensure your eligibilty as a contestant for the

"Early-Bird Renewal Drawing"

for a Beautiful, Branch-Specific, silver medal prize!


For God and Country!