Officers for Marine Corps League Detachment 1058 were installed by District Vice Commandant, Pete Gannon in June. Jon Saluk, Commandant, Phil Burns, Senior Vice Commandant, George Albert, Junior Vice Commandant, Jim Wells, Adjutant, Stan Kraflick, Judge Advocate, Colin Dickinson, Paymaster, Frank Cunningham, Chaplain & Ralph Perriello, Sgt-At-Arms.
Detachment 1058 congratulates the incoming slate of Officers for American Legion Post 142 and knows that the Marines chosen to lead the Post will do an outstanding job.
Detachment members participated in the Rodriguez Charities Golf Outing, judged the Annual Chili Cook-Off at O’Brian’s Irish Pub, and conducted the Post’s 2nd Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony attended by Florida Representative Chip LaMarca. (See photos on page10 of Post 142 July newsletter)
The Detachment was honored to receive a donation from the Exchange Club to support its work with local Veterans and promote Patriotism.
Detachment members supported the Post 142 4th of July BBQ by selling water & soda to offload this task from bartenders and selling the remaining raffle tickets for the custom Zev AR-15. SAL member Paul Stawicki had the winning ticket.
Our last regular meeting of the summer will be held on Thursday, 18 July - 1800 chow & 1900 meeting. There is no regular meeting in August.
All Annual MCL memberships expire at the end of August, so please renew now or even better become a Life Member. See Paymaster Colin for details.
All Marine Veterans and FMF Corpsmen are invited to join our Detachment and enjoy camaraderie at our meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1900 here at Post 142. For more information on the Detachment or participating in any of our events, send an email to
Congratulations to all the Marines assuming leadership roles at American Legion Post 142
Rich Murtha - Commander, Jim Wells - 1st. Vice Commander, Phil Burns - 2nd. Vice Commander, Kevin Bolender - Finance Officer, George Albert - Historian, and JJ Birmingham and Brandon Routt - Executive Committee Members
Please show up at Post 142 at 1300 on Saturday, 29 June to welcome them into their new positions.
Marines are used to being over-tasked and understaffed. We need Marines on Saturday, 8 June to drink beer & sell raffle tickets at the Cheetah Golf Tournament & drink beer, judge chili & sell raffle tickets at the Chili Cookoff at O’Brian’s Irish Pub in Boca.
We also have a bus to fill to drink beer, eat hotdogs, and cheer on the Marlins courtesy of VetBaseball on Wednesday, 5 June, meetup at Post 142 at 1600.
Marines will also be officiating the 14 June Flag Day Ceremony at Post 142 at 1800 with Scout Troop & Pack 512.
The Zev AR will be raffled off on 4th of July at the Post 142 BBQ. Get your tickets to support the Detachment & maybe win a really nice weapon.
All Marine Veterans and FMF Corpsmen are invited to join our Detachment and enjoy camaraderie at our meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1900 here at Post 142. For more information on the Detachment or participating in any of our events, send an email to
Congratulations to all the Marines assuming leadership roles at American Legion Post 142
Rich Murtha - Commander, Jim Wells - 1st. Vice Commander, Phil Burns - 2nd. Vice Commander, Kevin Bolender - Finance Officer, George Albert - Historian, and JJ Birmingham and Brandon Routt - Executive Committee Members
Please show up at Post 142 at 1300 on Saturday, 29 June to welcome them into their new positions.
Marines are used to being over-tasked and understaffed. We need Marines on Saturday, 8 June to drink beer & sell raffle tickets at the Cheetah Golf Tournament & drink beer, judge chili & sell raffle tickets at the Chili Cookoff at O’Brian’s Irish Pub in Boca.
We also have a bus to fill to drink beer, eat hotdogs, and cheer on the Marlins courtesy of VetBaseball on Wednesday, 5 June, meetup at Post 142 at 1600.
Marines will also be officiating the 14 June Flag Day Ceremony at Post 142 at 1800 with Scout Troop & Pack 512.
The Zev AR will be raffled off on 4th of July at the Post 142 BBQ. Get your tickets to support the Detachment & maybe win a really nice weapon.
All Marine Veterans and FMF Corpsmen are invited to join our Detachment and enjoy camaraderie at our meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1900 here at Post 142. For more information on the Detachment or participating in any of our events, send an email to