Riders Chapter 142Support Fleet Week!
The reconstituted American Legion Riders Chapter 142 has grown to 25 members strong!
Under Director Don Crites the priority of organizing the members to enjoy their beloved motorcycle rides has been well-addressed. The members now usually ride twice per month in the cooler months and once monthly as the summer temperature soar.
Riding has not been the only priority for the Chapter, however! Increasingly, the Chapter has engaged in social outreach events to veterans and their communities. The lastest action atop that growing list is the substantial monetary donation the Chapter made to Post 142 to help pay for the 2022 Fleet Week party duirng which the Post hosted 40-50 active dutiy sailors and marines of the US Atlantic fleet on Thursday, May 5th. These young ladies and men proudly represent the knowledgeable and dedicated warriors currently defending the the interests and way of life of our beloved United States of America. It is through activities such as Fleet Week that the citizens can demonstate their apprciation and support of these fine active duty service men and women!
Below we see Riders Director Don Crites presenting Post 142 Commander Dave Sweeney with a check for $1,000 to support the Post's expenses for the free dinner and open bar for the Fleet Week honored guests of Post 142!
Thank you, Riders, for your generous support and your outstanding patriotism!!!