Commissioned in 1946, the Sterling McClellan American Legion Post 142 was established in beautiful Pompano Beach. The Post was built upon a magnificent property donated by the McClellan family to honor our post's namesake, 1st Lt. George Sterling McClellan, US Army Air Corps, who gave his life in service of our Nation in the European Theater of World War II. Post 142, through its ceaseless voluntary efforts of members and friends, could not be more proud of its exemplary service to U.S. Veterans, their families, and this community! Deepest thanks to all members of the Post from 1946 to the present for making our Home Post a success!
The Sterling McClellan American Legion Post142 has been a proud participant in the American Legion's greater than 100-year history by continuously serving American veterans in and about Pompano Beach and Broward County as a safe social harbor for veteran members, their families, and guests as well as providing a variety of community service and outreach programs and activities.
Post 142 has grown into a strongly unified "Family" consisting of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 142, the Sons of the American Legion Squadron 142, and the American Legion Riders Chapter 142, all sharing the underlying mission of service to veterans, their families, and our community. Post 142 maintains close affiliations with other veterans' service organizations: The Disabled American Veterans Gold Coast Chapter 133 and the Marine Corps League Detachment 1058 who each serve American veterans through their own uniquely valuable missions. To learn more about the "Post 142 Family Members," explore the contents and links of each member's and affiliate's tab on this site.
"For God and County"
To All Members of the American Legion Sterling McClellan Post142:
This is the Post 142 website. It shall remain under revision to bring you more features over time. This website is for you and strives to serve as your comprehensive, online source for up-to-date Post news, activities, and events.
Content and features will grow and evolve to meet the current and future needs of Post members and guests by serving as a complementary informational adjunct to the Post Monthly Newsletter, posters and fliers displayed within the Post itself, the scrolling marques in two corners in the lounge, and the Post Information TV located in the lounge. Our outdoor scrolling marque is once again operational informing those driving by the Post of operations. The Post leadership is employing multiple sources of information to distribute to members, including the capacity for mass e-mailing.
The Webmasters thank you for your patience as this site undergoes additional growth and development!
Since our charter in 1946, our American Legion Sterling McClellan Post 142 has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables veterans to continue serving God, their Country, and their Community. Our joint mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace, and blessings for our country, friends, and families embodied in the American Legion Constitution's preamble.